Air Compressor Service: Help You Avoid Costly Repairs Down The Road

Air compressor service is a process that involves regular maintenance of the air compressor to keep it running at optimal levels. Air compressors are used in many different industries, including construction, automotive repair and maintenance, and plumbing. They are also commonly found at gas stations and other businesses that have a need for pumping air into tires or other devices. In order for an air compressor to perform properly, it needs to be maintained on a regular basis.


The purpose of air compressor service is to keep the machine in good working order so that it can function as intended, with minimal downtime due to mechanical issues. Here are some tips on how to service an air compressor:

1. Check The Oil Level Regularly

The oil lubricates all moving parts of your unit, so it’s very important that it doesn’t run out during operation. An oil leak could cause serious damage to your equipment. Make sure to check the oil level every time before starting up your machine again after shutting it down for more than 15 minutes.

2. Change the Oil

The oil inside an air compressor lubricates its moving parts and keeps them cool while they’re working hard. As this oil ages, it loses its ability to lubricate properly and can start to break down or leak out of places where it shouldn’t be leaking out (such as into your motor). In order to keep your air compressor running smoothly, change the oil every six months or so (depending on how much use it gets).

3. Use Only Approved Lubricants When Servicing The Unit

Using non-approved lubricants could result in damage to the internal parts of your compressor and cause them to break down sooner than expected. If you’re not sure which lubricant is best suited for your unit, consult with someone who knows them inside and out before applying anything yourself.

4. Inspect The Tank

Before you start using your air compressor, make sure there aren’t any leaks in the tank or hoses by first turning off the power source, then turning off the valve on top of the tank and letting it sit overnight (or for at least eight hours). If there are no leaks when you turn everything back on again, then you should be good to go!

5. Keep It Clean

The key to keeping your air compressor in good working order is to keep it clean. Make sure to remove any dirt or debris from the outside of the tank before you start using it. This will prevent dirt from building up inside, which could lead to malfunctions and other problems. If you can’t get all of the dirt off with a brush, run some water over the tank while it’s not running, then wipe it dry with a cloth when you’re done.

6. Clean the Air Filter

Air filters keep contaminants from entering your air compressor’s motor, which can damage its internal parts over time. A clean filter helps increase efficiency by allowing more air into the cylinder while keeping out dust particles that could damage components like pistons and valves. Cleaning an air filter requires removing it from its housing unit and washing it with warm water and soap or a cleaning solution designed specifically for automotive filters. Rinse well after cleaning before reinstalling it into its housing unit, where it will sit until needed again (usually once a year).

7. Keep Cooling Fans Clean

Over time, dust particles and other debris will accumulate on the cooling fans inside your air compressor. This can cause them to overheat and eventually fail completely. Make sure that you clean cooling fans on a regular basis so that they do not overheat and burn out prematurely.

8. Keep It Cool

Keeping your air compressor cool is another way to prolong its life span. This includes keeping it away from direct sunlight and placing it in an area where there is good ventilation. You should also try not to run your entire tool inventory at once – this will overheat your compressor quickly!

9. Clean All Coils Regularly

Coils are used to cool down the refrigerant during the compression process, so if they become clogged with dirt or other debris, they’ll be less efficient at cooling down the refrigerant, and your system will not function properly.

10. Inspect Belts Regularly For Wear And Tear

Belts must be replaced if they show signs of cracking or fraying because this indicates that they’re about to break down completely, which means that any damage done by a broken belt could be permanent if you don’t replace it quickly enough.

11. Check for Leaks

You also want to make sure that there are no leaks anywhere in your system or the air compressor itself. You can do this by using soap or water in order to find any leaks that may be present in your system. If you see any leaks, then you need to get them fixed as soon as possible so that they don’t cause further damage down the road.


Even though the process is a bit daunting at times, getting your air compressor serviced each year will keep it running smoothly and prolong its overall lifespan. Follow the guidelines above, and you should be able to save money in the long run.

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