Christian Espinosa and his effort in cyber world

Bestselling author, high-performance coach, and captivating speaker—those are just a few of Christian Espinosa’s many credentials. In addition, he established and leads Blue Goat Cyber, an outfit that uses both technological expertise and emotional acuity to combat cybercrime. Blue Goat Cyber was founded with the goal of using technological proficiency and emotional intelligence to combat cybercrime. More than 25 professional certifications, including CCISO, CISA, CISSP, LPT, PMP, ECSA, and CCSP, have been achieved by him during the Secure Methodology Course of his career.  After some time in the Air Force, he went to the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) and earned a Bachelor of Science in Engineering. He then went on to earn a Master degree of from Webster University in Business Administration in Computer and Information Management. He also holds a number of patents related to cyberattack and defence simulations.

Christian has recently contributed to a wide variety of important initiatives, such as infiltration testing of medical devices, incident response testing, and penetration testing of commercial aeroplanes. In his spare time, Christian competes in ultramarathons and Ironman triathlons, climbs mountains, travels the world, and teaches wilderness survival. Christian has completed 22 Ironman triathlons, all at the marathon distance, and has also climbed two of the Seven Summits.

Christian Espinosa Professional side of exploring

Christian Espinosa is not only the CEO and founder of Blue Goat Cyber, but also a professor of cybersecurity, a certified high-performance coach, and a white-hat hacker. He enjoys tacos, spicy food, and listening to heavy metal (especially Nightwish). In addition, he has completed 24 Ironman triathlons, served in the Air Force, explored the world, gone skydiving, and more. When he was younger, Christian was quite self-conscious about not being the smartest person in the room. He had to do some soul-searching after hitting a wall and realised that his greatest leadership and anti-hacking contribution was his ability to shed light on and offer solutions to the perennial problems associated with high IQ but low EQ in the workplace. Christian helps the brightest minds in the room become the most effective leaders in their areas through his work as a coach, cybersecurity keynote speaker, as well as trainer in the Secure Methodology.

The ever-growing threat of cybercrime

There are a plethora of approaches that cybersecurity and monotasking experts and thought leaders have offered for stopping cybercrime. Cybersecurity options proposed here range from decentralised systems to AIs that learn to adapt to new dangers. Unfortunately, it appears that criminals have been able to defeat even the most cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions. In this endless rush to the bottom, good people have always come out on the losing end. They run the risk of having their information taken, their identities stolen, and even their money stolen. If you want a more in-depth understanding of the gravity of the situation, you must look at the statistics.

The hidden key to winning the war against cybercrime

In addition to establishing Alpine Security, Christian Espinosa, the cybersecurity leader is also a Managing Director at Cerberus Sentinel. Christian made the startling discovery that a pattern was emerging after decades of experience in cybersecurity. Rather than being a result of data or analytics, this trend was indicative of the widespread apathy that permeated the sector as a whole.

According to the Smartest Person in the Room author, human factors, not technology, are the key to solving the problems plaguing current cybersecurity. He believes that cybersecurity firms will be more successful in the battle against cybercrime if they train their employees to be more empathetic. Workers in such an emotional intelligence training organisation would put a premium on caring about the well-being of their colleagues, customers, and the community as a whole.

This book by the cybersecurity entrepreneur Christian Espinosa gives managers and executives a step-by-step plan they may implement to foster an emotionally aware workplace.

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