Contentious Blue Sky Amazon Course

An Inside Look at the Contentious Blue Sky Amazon Course Taught by Sophie Howard


A British businesswoman, Sophie Howard, has gained notoriety by pitching herself as the “Amazon Queen” and her pricey Blue Sky Amazon Course. According to Howard, her course offers secret tips on duplicating her six-figure Amazon success. Does the system, however, live up to the hype? This in-depth examination inside look at the course, the specifics, and debates.

Course Synopsis and Promises

Sophie Howard’s main offering, the Blue-Sky Amazon Course, has a steep $3,497 price tag. Howard’s tried-and-true methods for controlling Amazon are purportedly shared in the course via courses on:

  • Shortcuts for Kindle publishing to increase royalties.
  • Strategies for choosing products that will be bestsellers.
  • Techniques for optimisation that raise ranks fast.
  • Marketing strategies to outcompete rivals.
  • Automated tools that make selling easier

Howard said her course would help students quickly become passive income producers via Amazon FBA, just as she did. Blue Sky is promoted as the key to six-figure success for those prepared to adhere to Sophie Howard’s trade formula.

A shallow, surface-level curriculum

An internal examination, however, shows a programme that falls short of its lofty goals and needs to be shallower. Most of the course comprises general, high-level topics without in-depth explanations or unique strategic plans.

A few sessions cover fundamental concepts such as client targeting and branding without delving further than Marketing 101. The publishing advice is obsessed with following trends rather than producing original, insightful content.

Very few technical parts of launching and optimising Amazon items are covered hands-only. In a glitzy but superficial course, students get mostly repeated notions for close to $3,500.

shady methods and false information

The fact that Blue Sky promotes questionable “grey hat” tactics that go outside Amazon’s terms of service is more problematic. This includes using freebies that are contingent on five-star reviews to manipulate reviews.

Additionally, Howard suggests affiliate marketing by making dubious claims about the ability of untested remedies to cure critical ailments.

In general, the training teaches evading systems as opposed to selling sustainably. This false information might undermine vendors if tested against Amazon’s constantly changing policies.

No Evidence to Support Earnings Claims

Most blatantly, there is no proof that Howard’s purported success is attributable to these dubious methods. Her course needs to be revenue proof, tax documentation, or sales statistics demonstrating how the procedures generate large profits.

Most testimonials are provided by affiliates who are paid to promote Blue Sky. Aside from Howard’s bombastic promises, there’s not much evidence that her course generates revenue anything close to justifying the outrageous expenditure.


Despite being marketed as a lucrative insider secrets vault, Sophie Howard’s Blue Sky Amazon Course is only a costly repackaging of fundamental principles. Any exclusive techniques must remain amidst the curriculum’s hype and filler. Without verified revenue documentation or sustainable selling best practices, Sophie Howard’s self-promotion as an authority deserving of the esteemed title of “Amazon Queen” is undermined by the course. Regarding e-commerce success education, Blue Sky could be more excellent and valuable.

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