Plain Text in the Age of Digital Writing: Why You Should Make the Switch

In this digital age, how we write has undergone a massive change. Most people now use digital devices and software to create and store written works. However, many writers still prefer to stick to traditional writing methods such as pen and paper or typewriters. Plain text has emerged as a popular alternative to traditional digital writing methods in recent years. This article will discuss the benefits of plain text for your writing needs.

The Rise of Plain Text Writing

The plain text refers to a writing format that doesn’t contain any formatting or styling. It’s just plain, unadorned text. Plain text files are usually saved with the .txt extension and can be opened in any text editor.

So why has plain text gained popularity in recent years? One reason is that it’s incredibly versatile. Plain text files can be opened on any device or platform without the need for any specific software. This makes it easy to share your work with others, no matter what tools they’re using.

Another reason is that plain text is future-proof. Unlike proprietary file formats that can become obsolete, plain text will always be readable, regardless of technological changes. This makes it a great choice for archiving important documents you want to keep safe long-term.


Improved Focus and Productivity

One of the significant benefits of plain text is that you don’t have to worry about formatting or styling when you write in plain text. This allows you to focus entirely on the content of your writing, which can be incredibly liberating. You can write your thoughts down more quickly and efficiently with no distractions.

Better Compatibility

As mentioned, plain text files can be opened on any device or platform. This means you don’t have to worry about compatibility issues when sharing your work. You can also use any text editor to create and edit your plain text files, giving you more freedom to choose the best tools.

Increased Accessibility

Because plain text files are so widely compatible, they’re also more accessible. People with disabilities can use various assistive technologies to read and interact with plain text files, which can help make your work more inclusive.

Simplified Collaboration

Formatting and styling can create confusion and compatibility issues when working with others on a writing project. With plain text, everyone is working with the same unadorned text, which can simplify collaboration and make it easier to focus on the content of the writing.

Making the Switch to Plain Text

If you’re convinced that plain text is the way to go for your writing needs, here are a few tips for making the transition.

Choose a Good Text Editor

While any text editor will do for creating plain text files, some are better than others. Look for a text editor with features like syntax highlighting and line numbering to make your writing process more efficient.

Get Comfortable with Markdown

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to add basic formatting to your plain text files. It’s widely supported and easy to learn, so it’s a good tool to have in your plain text writing toolbox.

Embrace the Simplicity

When you first start writing in plain text, adding formatting and styling to your work can be tempting. However, remember that the beauty of plain text lies in its simplicity. Embrace the unadorned nature of the format and focus on crafting great content.


Plain text is a great alternative to traditional digital writing methods. It has various benefits, such as being versatile and future-proof, and can improve your focus and productivity. With the right text editor and a bit of practice, you can switch to plain text and start reaping the benefits.

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